Who Is Best To Lead INDIA Bloc: Rahul, Mamata, Kejriwal Or Akhilesh? |India Today Mood Of The Nation


Who Is Best To Lead INDIA Bloc: Rahul, Mamata, Kejriwal Or Akhilesh? |India Today Mood Of The Nation

The India Today Mood of the Nation poll reveals a shift in opposition leadership preferences. Mamata Banerjee’s popularity has doubled from 7% to 14%, while Rahul Gandhi’s has dropped from 32% to 24%. The poll also shows changes for other opposition leaders like Arvind Kejriwal and Akhilesh Yadav. Experts discuss the implications of these numbers and the challenges facing the India Alliance. #moodofthenation #indialliance #rahulgandhi #itwebvideos #indiatoday #oppositionleaders #mamatabanerjee #bjp #congress #2024elections #politicalpolls #indianpolitics #regionalparties #nationalleadership
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