Waqf Board Amendment Bill 2024 | JPC Passes Bill, Dismisses All Opposition Proposed Changes


Waqf Board Amendment Bill 2024 | JPC Passes Bill, Dismisses All Opposition Proposed Changes

As a joint parliamentary panel approved 14 amendments to the controversial Waqf amendment bill, opposition MPs have alleged bias and DMK has claimed they will challenge it in the court.
BJP’s Ajay Alok told NDTV, the opposition just wants to prove who is more ahead in opposing. While Ghanshyam Tiwari of SP said the BJP is adamant on passing anti-minority laws without including or even hearing the voices of actual minorities.
A Joint Parliamentary Committee (JPC) on Monday cleared the Waqf Amendment Bill, which aims to introduce 44 changes to how Muslim charitable properties are managed in India. The committee, led by BJP MP Jagadambika Pal, considered 66 proposed amendments, 23 from the ruling BJP and 44 from opposition members. After detailed deliberations, the committee accepted 14 changes to the draft tabled in the House in August last year, rejecting the opposition’s suggestions after party-line voting. The JPC has 16 members from the BJP and its allies, and only 10 from opposition parties.

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