US News: Hindu Temple In California Vandalised With Anti-India Graffiti | World News | India Today


US News: Hindu Temple In California Vandalised With Anti-India Graffiti | World News | India Today

A Hindu temple in Southern California, the Bab Swami Narayan Mandir, was vandalized with anti-India graffiti. This incident marks the second such attack on a Hindu temple in California in recent months. India’s Ministry of External Affairs condemned the act, calling for strict action against perpetrators and increased security measures. The vandalism occurred ahead of a planned Khalistani referendum in Los Angeles. #hindutemplevandalism #californiahatecrime #antiindiagraffiti #babswaminarayanmandir #meacondemns #khalistanireferendum #hinduamericanfoundation #religiousdesecration #templedefacement #indiatoday
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