Uttar Pradesh Chief Minister Yogi Adityanath’s ‘Bateinge, Kateinge’ slogan has sparked controversy. Ajit Pawar, NCP Chief, and Congress Chief Khadge have countered the BJP’s slogan. Meanwhile, Uttar Pradesh Deputy Chief Minister D’Souza and Keshav Prasad Maurya have distanced themselves from Adityanath’s comments. The slogan has been criticised within the BJP camp, with voices growing against it. The slogan is reportedly causing division and isolating the vote bank from the party, leading to a shift towards ‘Ek Hai To Safe Hai’.
#maharashtraelection2024 #batengetokatenge #yogiadityanath #itwebvideos #ajitpawar #khadge #bjp #ncp #congress #uttarpradesh #maharashtra #slogancontroversy
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