To The Point With Preeti Choudhry: PM Modi’s Blitzkrieg Rallies In Maharashtra | India Today


To The Point With Preeti Choudhry: PM Modi's Blitzkrieg Rallies In Maharashtra | India Today

On ‘To The Point’ with Preeti Chaudhry, the focus is on Prime Minister Narendra Modi’s series of rallies in Maharashtra. The Prime Minister is set to hold nine rallies across the state, starting in Nagpur. The discussion centres around the political relevance of the Vidarbha region, the BJP’s strategy of consolidating the Hindu vote, and the accusations of caste-based politics. The show also covers the ongoing war of words between the BJP and the Congress, with both parties accusing each other of divisive tactics. #indiatoday #tothepoint #preetichaudhry #pmmodi #maharashtra #vidarbhregion #bjp #congress #castepolitics #hinduunity
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