To The Point Debate| PM Modi’s Maharashtra Focus: Neglecting Haryana? | BJP Vs Cong | India Today


To The Point Debate| PM Modi's Maharashtra Focus: Neglecting Haryana? | BJP Vs Cong | India Today

India Today’s political panelists, Sanju Verma, National Spokesperson BJP, and Charan Singh Sapra, National Spokesperson Congress, discuss the Prime Minister’s focus on Maharashtra ahead of the state elections. The panelists debate whether Haryana is being neglected, despite its upcoming elections. Verma defends the BJP’s work in Haryana and argues that Maharashtra’s economic importance justifies the Prime Minister’s attention. #indiatoday #haryanaelection2024 #itwebvideos #preetichoudhry #sanjuverma #charansinghsapra #bjp #congress #maharashtra #haryana #stateelections #primeminister
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