

A panel of experts debates which political party – BJP or Congress – is the true inheritor of Dr. B.R. Ambedkar’s legacy. The discussion covers Ambedkar’s vision, his strained relations with various political groups, and how his ideals are being implemented today. Panelists examine issues like Dalit rights, economic mobility, and the appropriation of Ambedkar’s image for political gain. The panel debates whether Ambedkar would have aligned more with Congress or BJP if alive today. Arguments cover Ambedkar’s criticisms of both parties, his views on Hinduism, RSS, and social reform. The discussion examines Ambedkar’s changing relationships with Congress and Hindu nationalist groups over time, and his enduring principles of social justice and anti-caste discrimination. Experts discuss his commitment to social justice, constitutional principles, and the fight against caste-based discrimination. The conversation explores how different political parties interpret and claim Ambedkar’s legacy, questioning whether he would have favoured current political ideologies.

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