Pune Crash News | Big Revelation: Doctors Changed Blood Sample To Save Pune Teen


Pune Crash News | Big Revelation: Doctors Changed Blood Sample To Save Pune Teen

Pune Porsche Accident News: In the latest twist in the Pune Porsche horror, two doctors have been arrested for allegedly manipulating the blood test report of the 17-year-old, whose late night drunk drive left two 24-year-old software engineers dead.

Dr Ajay Tawade and Dr Hari Harnor of Sasoon Hospital have been arrested by the Pune Crime Branch, which is investigating the case that has sparked nationwide outrage. Pune Police Commissioner Amitesh Kumar told the media that samples collected at the hospital and sent for forensic tests were not of the juvenile accused at all. "This means the sample was replaced."

"Around 11 am on May 19, a blood sample (of the teen) that was taken at Sassoon Hospital was thrown in a dustbin and the blood sample of another person was taken and sent to the forensic lab. CMO Srihari Halnor replaced this blood sample. During the investigation, we found Srihari Halnor replaced this on the instructions of Ajay Tawade, HOD of forensic medicine department at Sassoon Hospital," Mr Kumar said.

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