News Track Debate: Who Will End “Gaali’ Politics? BJP Vs Congress | Rahul Kanwal | India Today


News Track Debate: Who Will End

Dr. Sudhanshu Trivedi, Rajya Sabha BJP MP, discusses the current state of political discourse in India, referencing controversial comments made by leaders from both the BJP and Congress Party. He highlights the lowering of language standards in Indian politics over the last 16-17 years, starting from the 2007 Gujarat election. He also raises concerns about the support Rahul Gandhi is receiving from individuals involved in terrorism, citing specific examples. #indiatoday #drsudhanshutrivedi #bjp #congressparty #politicaldiscourse #rahulgandhi #terrorism #rahulkanwal #debate #sudhanshutrivedi #salmansoz #bjpvscongress #itwebvideos
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