New Zealand’s youngest MP Hana-Rawhiti Kareariki Maipi-Clarke, who shot to viral fame after she performed a haka during her maiden speech in parliament last year, is back in the limelight after once again staging the traditional Maori dance and ripping up a copy of a contentious bill during a House session.
A viral video of the vote on the Treaty Principles Bill shows the 22-year-old Te Pati Maori MP interrupting the session by tearing apart a copy of the legislation before performing a haka. She is then joined by the people in the public gallery, prompting Speaker Gerry Brownlee to briefly suspend the House.
#NewZealand #NewZealandMP #HanaRawhitiKarearikiMaipiClarke #MaoriDance #TreatyPrinciplesBill #HakaDance
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