Mumbai Stand-up Comedian Kunal Kamra Targeted: Shiv Sena Vandalises Venue | India Today


Mumbai Stand-up Comedian Kunal Kamra Targeted: Shiv Sena Vandalises Venue | India Today

Stand-up comedians face threats and violence across India, with recent incidents in Mumbai and Chennai. In Mumbai, Shiv Sena members vandalized a studio over a comedian’s act, while in Chennai, a YouTuber’s house was allegedly ransacked. The incidents highlight the ongoing debate about freedom of speech, reasonable restrictions, and the use of violence to suppress dissent. Critics argue that political parties often change their stance on free speech when in power versus opposition. #freedomofspeech #standupcomedy #politicalviolence #itwebvideos #mumbai #chennai #shivsena #constitutionalrights #mediafreedom #selectiveoutrage

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