Maharashtra Election: Modi’s War Cry In Maharashtra, Accuses Congress Of Caste Divide | India Today


Maharashtra Election: Modi's War Cry In Maharashtra, Accuses Congress Of Caste Divide | India Today

Prime Minister Modi has launched a series of attacks on the Congress and its allies in Maharashtra, accusing them of creating caste divides for political gain. Modi’s war cry, ‘Ek Hai Toh Safe Hai’, has been reiterated, with the Prime Minister claiming that the Congress aims to break the unity of SC and OBC societies. Opposition leaders, including Rahul Gandhi and Uddhav Sena, have hit back at Modi, accusing him of instigating riots and attempting to divide Hindus and Muslims. #indiatoday #maharashtra #primeministermodi #itwebvideos #congress #castedivide #rahulgandhi #uddhavsena #ekhaitohsafehai
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