Kargil War | “Extra Special”: Kargil War Hero On Son Commanding His Former Division


Kargil War |

A quarter of a century after India secured a victory for the ages in the Kargil War, one of the most challenging high-altitude battles ever fought, the division which led the charge has another major reason to celebrate. Major General Sachin Malik is now commanding the 8 Mountain Division, which had led the charge in the Kargil War under the overall leadership of his father, General (Retired) VP Malik, who was the Army chief at the time. General VP Malik had also once commanded the 8 Mountain Division and the father and son are now in Dras to mark the 25th anniversary of the Kargil Vijay Diwas on Friday. That is where NDTV caught up with them for an exclusive conversation.

#KargilWar #KargilWar1999 #IndianArmy #GeneralVedPrakashMalik #MajorGeneralSachinMalik #NDTV #Kargil

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