In an exclusive interview with India Today, American Journalist Peter Duke reveals the tragedy caused by the wildfire in California and Los Angeles. Duke’s borther’s house, his ex-wife’s huse where his daughters lived turned into ashes. According to the latest data from California’s Department of Forestry and Fire Protection. Palisades Fire burnt down nearly 20,000 acres and destroying more than 5,300 structures. The Eaton Fire spans about 14,000 acres, with at least 4,000 structures flattened. #wildfire #californiawildfire #losangeleswidlfire #itwebvideos #peterduke #lawildfires #californiafires #evacuationalert #firedamage #celebrityhomes #anthonyhopkins #karenbass #rickrusso #santaanawinds #arsonsuspicions #watershortage #firedepartmentresponse #communityimpact #realestateclearing #indiatoday
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