Jammu And Kashmir Elections | NDTV Exclusive: Kashmir Chronicles With Farooq Abdullah


Jammu And Kashmir Elections | NDTV Exclusive: Kashmir Chronicles With Farooq Abdullah

Ahead of the historic elections of Jammu and Kashmir, JKNC President and former Chief Minister Farooq Abdullah spoke to NDTV’s Nazir Masoodi and Marya Shakil. In the interview, Farooq Abdullah spoke on several key issues regarding Kashmir such as the restoration of statehood and the abrogation of Article 370. Mr Abdullah also talked about the history of the valley stating that the biggest setback to Kashmir took place not in 1965 or 2019 but in 1953 when his father Sheikh Abdullah was arrested. According to him putting the elected leader of the people behind bars broke the trust of the people. He also blamed former governor, Jagmohan for the exodus of Kashmiri Pandits from the state in 1990, claiming that the then governor’s heart was "filled with hate".

#JammuAndKashmir #FarooqAbdullah #JKNC #NationalConference #Article370 #Kashmir #KashmiriPandits

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