The India Today Group has achieved significant success at the Indian Television Academy Awards 2024. India Today won the popular English news channel category, while Aaj Tak secured the Hindi news channel award. Notable journalists Rajdeep Sardesai, Rahul Kaval, and Anjana Om Kashyap were also honoured. The group’s commitment to unbiased reporting and democratic newsroom practices was highlighted as a key factor in their victory during this election year. #indiatoday #aajtak #itaawards2024 #itwebvideos #newsawards #englishnewschannel #hindinewschannel #rajdeepsardesai #rahulkaval #anjanaomkashyap #channeloftheyear #democraticnewsroom #electionyear #unbiasedreporting #journalismawards #indiantelevisionacademy
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