Former Philippine President Rodrigo Duterte Arrested For Murder In ‘War On Drugs’ Case | World News


Former Philippine President Rodrigo Duterte Arrested For Murder In 'War On Drugs' Case | World News

The International Criminal Court has executed an arrest warrant for former Philippine President Rodrigo Duterte. The warrant, issued by pretrial chamber judges, cites reasonable grounds to believe Duterte committed murder as head of the Davao death squad and during his presidency from 2011 to 2019. The ICC investigation, led by Deputy Prosecutor Manjay Niang, focused on the Philippines’ ‘war on drugs’. #dutertearrested #iccwarrant #philippinesjustice #itwebvideos #warondrugs #internationallaw #davaodeathsquad #victimjustice #ruleoflaw #iccinvestigation #philippinespolitics
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