Deported Indian Immigrant Reveals Perilous Journey From US And Harsh Treatment | India Today


Deported Indian Immigrant Reveals Perilous Journey From US And Harsh Treatment | India Today

An Indian immigrant deported from the US describes his dangerous journey and arrest at the Tijuana border. He spent 40 lakh rupees and faced harsh conditions during deportation, including being handcuffed for a 40-hour flight. The immigrant appeals to the Indian government for help after his failed attempt to enter the US illegally. The report highlights the risks of illegal immigration and the existence of a network of human smugglers. #illegalimmigration #deportation #usborder #itwebvideos #humansmuggling #indianimmigrants #amritsarairport #dangerousjourney #legalmigration #immigrationrisks #bordercrossing #usimmigrationpolicy #deportedindians #humantrafficking #immigrantstories #bordersecurity

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