Cash Haul Controversy: Justice Varma Transferred To Allahabad HC Amid Investigation | India Today


Cash Haul Controversy: Justice Varma Transferred To Allahabad HC Amid Investigation | India Today

The government has approved Delhi High Court Judge Justice Yashwant Varma’s transfer to Allahabad High Court following the recovery of cash at his residence. The Collegium recommended his repatriation after a fire incident last week revealed the cash file. The Allahabad High Court Chief Justice has been instructed not to assign judicial work to Justice Varma upon his arrival. The case is being viewed as part of a broader inquiry, with both the judiciary and executive following due process. #justicevarma #delhihighcourt #allahabadhighcourt #itwebvideos #cashhaulcase #judicialtransfer #collegium #supremecourt #judicialinquiry
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