Bangladesh Violence: Massive Protest At B’desh High Commission In Delhi Against Attacks On Hindus


Bangladesh Violence: Massive Protest At B'desh High Commission In Delhi Against Attacks On Hindus

A large-scale protest has erupted outside the Bangladesh High Commission in New Delhi. Demonstrators are rallying against the recent attacks on Hindu minorities in Bangladesh. The protest includes civil society members, lawyers, and various organisations. India has officially registered a strong protest with Bangladesh regarding these incidents. Protesters are calling for global attention and action to protect Hindu communities in Bangladesh. #bangladeshprotest #hinduminorities #delhiprotest #itwebvideos #bangladeshhighcommission #hindupersecution #indiatoday #civilsocietyprotest #lawyersprotest #durgapujacontroversy #chinmaydas #iskconmonks #sheikhhasina #humanrights #amnestyinternational #unitednations #indianforeignsecretary #dhakavisit

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