Asiatic Lions Juna And Gir Find New Home In Bhopal’s Van Vihar, 900 km From Junagadh | India Today


Asiatic Lions Juna And Gir Find New Home In Bhopal’s Van Vihar, 900 km From Junagadh | India Today

Witness the incredible journey of Asiatic lions, Juna & Gir, as they move from Junagadh to Bhopal’s Van Vihar National Park under the Tiger Exchange Program. This reel showcases their 900 km travel across five days and their 56-day quarantine period. See how these majestic animals adapt to their new home after being carefully observed for health and compatibility. Asiatic lions, Juna & Gir, settling into Bhopal’s Van Vihar National Park, marks a new era for wildlife conservation in Madhya Pradesh.

#asiaticlions #vanvihar #wildliferelocation #bhopal #junagadh #indiatoday #indiatodayshorts

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