Cabinet Approves One Nation, One Election Bill: Is India Ready? | Opposition Parties Slam Proposal


Cabinet Approves One Nation, One Election Bill: Is India Ready? | Opposition Parties Slam Proposal

The Union Cabinet has approved the One Nation, One Election bill, paving the way for its introduction in Parliament. Prime Minister Modi urged ministers to raise awareness about the benefits of simultaneous polls. Opposition parties, including chief ministers MK Stalin, Mamata Banerjee, and Arvind Kejriwal, have voiced strong objections to the proposal. The government faces an uphill task in getting the bill passed, as it requires constitutional amendments and state ratifications. #onenationoneelection #cabinetapproval #simultaneouspolls #itwebvideos #constitutionalamendments #oppositionprotest #electoralreforms #bjp #congress #statecms #ramnathkovind #electioncommission #voterturnout #policyparalysis #modelcodeofconduct

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